Welcome Letter
Thank You for joining our Umoja Family
We are pleased to announce our fall dance program.
We hope you are ready to reconnect and return to the dance floor. We appreciate your support in advance and welcome you to the family and community of Umoja.
“It takes a village to raise a child”
- All students are expected to attend class on time.
- Students arriving more than 15 minutes late for class may be refused attendance on that day.
- Absence from class hampers the student's progress and the class progress. If a student is going to miss a class, we ask that you notify the studio in advance of the class time.
- Class will be canceled if the teacher is unable to teach class and a substitute cannot be provided. Please review the studio calendar for holiday closing. Emergency cancellations are sent out via Email, Website, Cell (group text), Facebook.
DRESS CODE: (List of dance stores availble upon request)
- Modern: Black Leotard, unitard, Black tights or Black leggings
- Hip- Hop: Loose fitting clothes, sneakers, or jazz shoes
- Jazz: Any color leotard, black leggings or shorts, jazz sneakers or jazz shoes
African Dance: Leotard any color, lappa, bike short or leggings under lappa, bare feet
Lappa (wrapped skirt) Students can wear their own or purchase one from the studio for $12.00 - Capoeira: Uniforms available for purchase.
- Boys: White T- Shirt, black sweatpants
- Please notify us of any medical conditions.
- Please make sure the studio has your current cell number and email address.
It is your responsibility to inform the studio of any changes. Information is distributed via email, website, Cell (group text), Facebook. - Please stay in touch with us via social media: Facebook (UmojaDanceStudio)
Instagram (Umojadancestudio)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions. Namaste
Last reviewed: Fall 2023